Economic journal

Odessa polytechnic university


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REGISTER OF ENTITIES IN THE MEDIA SPHERENational Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting website

Full name of the entity in the media sphere: Odessа Polytechnic National University
EDRPOU Code: 43861328
Media sphere: Print media, online media
Media identifier: R30-02627
Media name: “Scientific Journal “Economics: Time Realities”” (eng)
Distribution territory: Territory of Ukraine and beyond the state borders of Ukraine
Email address of the entity in the media sphere:
Email address of the journal editorial office:
Postal address: 65044 Odesa, Shevchenko Avenue, 1, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONOrder of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 No. 409

CATEGORY: “B”, economic sciences, specialties – 051, 071, 072, 073, 075, 076, 281, 292
ISSN: 2226-2172
UDC 330
BBK 65
Author’s mark E 40
Certificate of state registration КВ №22841-12741ПР
Frequency: no less than 4 times a year


The professional printed scientific journal “Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university” was created on the basis of the Order of the Rector No. 17 of 04.04.2017 based on the decision of the Academic Council of ONPU (protocol # 6 from March 28, 2017) ).

The publication covers issues of the state and prospects of economic development on a global and regional scale. The pages of the journal contain the results of original scientific, practical, educational and methodological researches in the fields of economy, business, management, marketing, logistics. Topical issues of economy and management, information and mathematical support of economic processes, innovations, investments, competitiveness and modern problems of regional development are covered.

The journal has been scrapped for science students, students, graduate students and students of major mortgages.


Editor in Chief: Svitlana V. Filyppova, DEcon, Prof.

Contributing Editor: Oleksandr S. Balan, DEcon, Prof.

Executive Editors: Svitlana V. Vorobiei

Translator, Proof-reader of an English text: Maryna Ye. Shepel, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

  • Oleksandr I. Amosha – Academician of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, DEcon, Prof.
  • Yevhen A. Beltyukov – DEcon, Prof.
  • Mykola I. Bondar – DEcon, Prof.
  • Borys V. Burkynskyy – Academician of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, DEcon, Prof.
  • Jiří Dvořák – DEcon, Prof. (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Vitaliy I. Zakharchenko – DEcon, Prof.
  • Serhiy M. Illyashenko – DEcon, Prof.
  • Kseniya V. Kovtunenko – DEcon, Prof.
  • Oleh Ye. Kuzmin – DEcon, Prof.
  • Anatoliy A. Mazaraki – DEcon, Prof.
  • Mykhaylo A. Oklander – DEcon, Prof.
  • Rainer Schenk – Dr., Visiting Professor (Federal Republic of Germany)
  • Jolanta Słoniec – DEcon, Prof. (Republic of Poland)
  • Zoya M. Sokolovskaya – DEcon, Prof.
  • Kostyantyn I. Tkach – DEcon.
  • Roman M. Sheremeta – PhD., Assistant Professor of Economics (USA)


For publication in the journal are accepted articles of problematic, summarizing and methodical directions, the results of original scientific, practical, educational and instructional studies in the form of articles, which has not been published, from the below industries:

  • Problem issues of the Ukrainian economy and its regions.
  • Theory and practice of Economics and industrial enterprise management.
  • Actual problems of the sectorial economy.

Articles must comply with the decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine “On increasing requirements for professional publications put on the list of the HAC of Ukraine” from 15.01.2003 No 7-05/1 and have the following required elements:

  • problem statement in general view and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent researches and publications, analysis of recent researches and publications;
  • unsolved aspects of the problem, which are the subject of this article;
  • formulation the aim of the article (goal setting);
  • the main part with full justification of scientific results;
  • conclusions from this study and perspectives for further research in this direction.

The author is responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the performed material, for belonging to him personally, precision facts (data) and the quality of the translation quotations from foreign-language sources

To enable publication in the journal, you must complete and send by email to the editor the following materials (Subject: Article Petrenko P.P., All files must be named in English or in Latin letters: Petrenko_Article.doc, Petrenko_bibliografiia.doc, Petrenko_retsenziia.pdf):


The article text is presented on the page of the standard format (A4), single spacing with the following fields: top edge – 2 sm, lower edge, left and right – 2,5 sm.

The whole text should be typed in Times New Roman 10pt, single-column without applying any formatting (your own styles, and the like), in addition to the standard font and the paragraph. Do not use inserts and hyperlinks. For stylistic highlight parts of the text should use the font style italic with preservation headset, font size, and paragraph spacing.

Approximate page size of the article in the paper version must be at least 5 pages and a maximum of 10 (excluding abstracts, abstract and references), prepared according to the following requirements. These texts size are approximate; given the specificity of electronic publishing, if necessary, the volume of materials submitted for publication, may be increased by agreement with the editorial board of the journal.

The materials published in the journal due to internal and external peer review performed by members of the editorial board specialists of the relevant sector. For a more objective assessment of scientific content articles used an independent, confidential peer review (without names of authors and reviewers). In the case of a negative review or there are significant comments, the article may be rejected or returned to the author (authors) for revision.

The editorial board reserves the right to reject article that do not correspond its requirements and the scope.

Materials submitted without the requirements, returned to the author without review. The article may be made editorially without permission of the author. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board.


  • Article language: Ukrainian, English. Priority is given to articles in English.
  • Annotations and key words must be present in three languages: Ukrainian, English. The number of symbols with spaces in the abstract is 750-820 (about 85-90 words). Key words 5-7 words.
  • Additionally, you will prepare the abstract in English – Abstract.

The abstract is a brief summary of larger work having a scientific character, may be published independently, in isolation from the main text, and therefore should be understandable without reference to the work itself. Abstract – prepared for overseas scientific databases, and analytical systems and is the main source of information in the information systems and databases that index the journal, and also in search systems. The volume of the abstract should be 2000 signs and should consist of short repeating patterns, including the introduction, aims and objectives, methods, results, conclusion.
We recommend you to read: Material about the peculiarities of writing English abstract prepared by the expert Scopus; Materials of one of the world’s leading publishers of scientific literature Emerald. (Part І та Part ІІ).

  • The article should have also UDC (placed in the beginning of the article) – JEL Classіfіcatіon(placed after the Abstract). For example: JEL Classіfіcatіon: B41, С15.
  • Reference in the section “Analysis of recent research and publications” and in the text on the works of foreign authors are compulsory. Their names served on the language of the article (Ukrainian), and in brackets in italics – in English with indication of the year of publication. For example A. Williamson (Williamson, 1985).
  • Under each table and illustration should be indicated the source. For example: Джерело: Власна розробка автора (Source: Own elaboration)
  • References to sources of used materials, factual and statistical data are required and are given in the text in chronological order, the number in square brackets and are arranged in order of citation or mention, list of references (the names of works are placed in order of citation in the text) written up at the end of the article.
  • The references should consist of two blocks: reference list and References (this requirement also applies to English-language articles):

Reference list is the sources in the original language, designed in accordance with Ukrainian standard bibliographic description (form 23, approved by the order of HAC of Ukraine from March 03, 2008 №147);

References – those sources, but in English, designed for international bibliographic standard APA-2010.

Names periodic Ukrainian and Russian editions (journals, collections, etc.) are served transliteration (Decision of 27 January 2010. No 55 “On regulation transliteration of Ukrainian Latin alphabet), and in brackets in English.

We recommend you to read:


“Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university” is committed to ensuring the highest ethical standards with the aim to maintain high quality of articles. Therefore, all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer have to conduct themselves in accordance with the standards of expected ethical behavior and have to follow their responsibilities. The following responsibilities outlined for editors, authors, and reviewers are based on the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors, authorized by COP (Committee on Publication Ethics).

1. Publication and authorship:
1.1. Articles have to be conforming according to requirements of the Journal “Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university”;
1.2. All articles are reviewed independently and in secret: reviewers receive encrypted articles; reviewers are anonymous for authors;
1.3. No plagiarism and no fraudulent data is allowed in articles;
1.4. Submitted articles shouldn’t be published or reviewed in other journals.
2. Author’s responsibilities:
2.1. All authors must submit materials conforming requirements of the Journal “Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university”;
2.2. All authors are responsible for the views, opinions, results and conclusions of the articles published in the journal;
2.3. All authors have responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the articles, accuracy of names and quotes;
2.3. All authors must not submit materials which contain offensive statements, national, religious, racial and other types of aggression or discrimination or can cause ethnic and racial enmity, violate international law and legislation;
2.4. Authors materials have to cover the original results of research;
2.5. Authors are responsible for plagiarism detection of the materials; plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable;
2.6. Authors obliged to participate in double-blind peer review process;
2.7. Authors must not submit materials to more than one journal simultaneously. If some parts of material overlap with already published or submitted materials, authors have to acknowledge and cite those sources. Also authors must inform editors about self-plagiarism (any related articles published in other journals);
2.8. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of error(s) according to peer-review report;
3. Responsibility for the reviewers:
3.1. All materials must be evaluated according to set criteria. All articles have to be reviewed in a period no more than 2 weeks. In other way reviewers should inform the editor if this is not possible;
3.2. Reviewers should provide a constructive, comprehensive, evidenced, and appropriately substantial peer-review report without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s);
3.3. Reviewers must keep the peer-review process independently, objectively and in secret; the articles should not be shared or discussed with anyone outside of the peer-review process; personal criticism of the author(s) is unacceptable;
3.4. Reviewers must be qualified to review the assigned articles;
3.5. Reviewers must immediately inform editor about articles containing plagiarized material or falsified data;
3.6. Reviewers should not use for own research any part of any data of reviewed and yet unpublished articles;
3.7. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with the author(s) and/or editor(s).
4. Editorial board responsibilities:
4.1. Editors have to send the results of reviewing, comments and recommendations to the author(s) via e-mail in a period no more than 2 months; documentation associated with reviewing process should be retained;
4.2. Editors mustn’t use any data or analysis presented in a submitted articles in own research;
4.3. Editors must ensure that submitted articles are processed in a confidential manner; editors should not disclose the names and other details of the authors and/or reviewers to a third party without their permission;
4.4. Editors should investigate all authors and/or reviewers complaints;
4.5. Editors may reject submitted articles if they consider the articles to be inappropriate for the journal and outside its sections;
4.6. Editors have the right to make the final decision on whether to accept or reject article depending on its originality, novelty, clarity and conformity to journal’s requirements;
4.7. Editors shouldn’t oblige the authors to cite editors’ materials or materials published in journal as a necessary condition of accepting their articles for publication.
5. Publishing ethics issues:
5.1. Editorial board’s work bases on publishing ethics which is targeted on fighting against conflicts of interest, plagiarism, unethical experimentation, falsification and fabrication of data;
5.2. Editorial board is opened to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed;
5.3. All articles are evaluated according to such criteria as originality, relevance, innovation, importance of results in the industry, theoretical basic and theoretical review of existing research and published materials, literacy, accuracy, significance, readability and language;
5.4. The possible decisions after reviewing process may include: publish as is; publish with minor modifications; sending to reviewing again (if it is required significant changes); refuse (if a major rewrite is required. Author should be encouraged to resubmit rewritten paper); refuse without resubmission (if materials have fundamental flaws, contain plagiarism or do not match the subject of the journal);
5.5. Editorial board is opened to take reasonably responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented.

Sample attached


Postal address: 65044, Odessa, Shevchenko Avenue, 1, Odessа Polytechnic National University, Chief Educational Building, office 541a

Tel./Fax: +38 (048) 705-83-38,

Journal profile on LinkedIn:LinkedIn