Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university
№ 4 (6), 2018
Balan O.S., Bukovsky D.A. | Blockchain technology in public administration | |
Karpenko A.V., Yeskova L.І. | Youth and youth policy | |
Kirsanova V.V., Shatskov V.V. | Formation of non-financial reporting as a tool for managing enterprise sustainable development | |
Lobozynska S.M, Nazarkevych O.B. | Economic principles of preservation and development of agricultural potential of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization | |
Mazur O.Ye. | Models and methods of clustering in the management of the development of industrial enterprises | |
Niekrasova L.A., Krasnenska O.B. | The financial control as an effective method of administration the financial mechanism of public administration by economy of Ukraine | |
Rekunenko І.І., Moskalenko A.O. | The influence of the banking credit market on economic development of the country | |
Selivanova N.M., Delik N.S. | Organizational and methodological aspects of accounting of land use rights at the enterprises of Ukraine | |
Sokolovska Z.M., Yatsenko N.V., Fedorova M.M. | E-marketing tools in shaping operation strategy for trade enterprises | |
Tanashchuk K.O., Zahrebniuk V.I. | Research of specialty of personnel prognosis and modern trends of preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in Ukraine | |
Yavorska T.V. | Regulation of Crowdfunding activities in North America | |
Kulinska A.V. | Organization of the system of mandatory conditions for settling the condition of debt security of the banking sector of the Ukraine’s economy | |
Chevhanova V.Ya. | Review of the textbook “Trade entrepreneurship” |