ECONOMICS: time realities
№ 4 (44), 2019
Kuzmin О.Ye., Komarnytska H.O. | Assessment of the State-Partner Potential of the Territorial Entity | |
Bezverkhyi K.V. | Educational discipline “Integrated reporting”: time requirement | |
Bondarchuk М.Ye. | Modern factors of formation of the domestic food market | |
Dobrianskа N.A., Kapeliushna A.A. | Management of the investment process of the Odesa region | |
Zaverbnyj A.S., Shpаk Yu.N. | Problems of harmonious development of energy supply and energy efficiency of the economy in the context of European integration | |
Kobіelіeva T.O. | Monitoring the level of compliance of the industrial enterprise | |
Kravchenko S.I. | Ecologization of national innovation systems development | |
Kulinska A.V., Doskoch S.A. | The key aspects of the quantitative approach to forecasting program-targeted budgeting in budget funds management | |
Lutskiv O.M. | European experience of the problem areas’ development regulation | |
Mazur O.Ye. | Multidimensional ABC analysis of the assortment | |
Natorina A.O. | Analytical and synthetic tools for optimizing the retailers’ online activity | |
Novikov D.F. | Socially responsible marketing in the metalworking industry and its impact on the profit of a machine-building enterprise | |
Synyutka N.H. | Electronic residency and an exit capital tax as manifestations of fiscal space deformations | |
Trosteniuk T.M. | The cost of conducting research activities of public higher education institutions in the context of accounting system requests | |
Dutka G.Ja., Savitska O.Р. | Trends and directions of foreign direct investment in the Ukrainian economy | |
Radchenko O.P. | Trends and consequences of global globalization processes and structural-functional support of agricultural security development | |
Mitsenko N.G. | Review of a monograph “Capitalization of the enterprise: theory and practice” |