Economic journal Odessa polytechnic university
№ 3 (9), 2019
Antoshkova N.A. | Client-oriented service as a dominant factor for forming consumer loyalty at restaurants | |
Bacho R.Yo. | Cost accounting in management of innovation activities | |
Bezverkhyi K.V., Polishchuk Ye.A. | Current state of international technical assistance to small and medium business in Ukraine | |
Bondarchuk М.Ye. | Trends in the development of the domestic food market in Ukraine | |
Dzyubina A.V. | The implementation of the concept of reverse logistics in the conditions of e-commerce development | |
Zakharchenko V.I., Methyl T.K. | Clarification of calculation of cost estimation of technical preparation of production of high-tech products of machine-building enterprise | |
Kvasniy L.G., Romaniv O.V. | Development of specialized health care facilities in the context of medical reform | |
Kobіelіeva T.O. | Industrial enterprise compliance-security strategies | |
Kovtunenko Yu.V. | Problems of diversification the activities of business structures in the conditions of intellectualization of the economy | |
Kuzmin О.Ye., Komarnytska H.O. | Economic Justification of Project Decisions in the Field of Public-Private Partnership | |
Nyenno I.M., Rudinska O.V., Sheremet A.I. | Competitive response of China’s hybrid business model to the pressure of globalization | |
Peregudova T.V. | A look at the national labor market through the “prism” of the efficiency of using labor potential | |
Pererva P.G., Kuchinskyi V.A. | Development of the market potential enterprises on the basis effective formation and use of human capital | |
Poltorak A.S. | The shadow economy as an internal threat to Ukraine’s financial security | |
Svidruk І.І., Leskova S.V. | Development of trade personnel competencies in the context of international ISO standarts | |
Smolinskyy V.B., Smolinska S.D. | Problems and prospects of managing financial support at regional level | |
Telishevskaya L.I., Hranko K.B. | The prerequisites for improving the efficiency of financial resources management of the enterprise | |
Tralo I.M. | Discounting in Accounting as a Tool for Cash Flows Management of the Enterprise | |
Trut O.O., Liashuk K.P. | Conceptual principles of corporate social responsibility | |
Koretskyy M.Kh., Balan O.S., Grebenyuk М.Yu. | SMART contracts as a mechanism for FinTech product development in public management | |
Filippov V.Y. | Interpretation of the semantics of entrepreneurship development: the ratio of its category and related concepts, the impact of innovative information economy of sustainable development | |
Gratsiotova G.O. | Changes strategy for winemaking enterprises | |
Pavlova V.A. | Review of the monograph “Enterprise Capitalization: Theory and Practice” |