ECONOMICS: time realities
№ 1 (29), 2017
Dobrianskа N.A., Popovych V.V. | Diversified corporate associations: modern scorecard analysis and assessment of their effectiveness | |
Bak N.A. | Local taxation in Ukraine: state and prospects of strengthening the efficiency | |
Budoratskaya T.L., Zhuravlyova N.M. | Use of genetic algorithms for optimization of structure investment portfolio of securities | |
Varchuk O.A., Amurova O.V. | Features of the accounting and internal control of VAT to companies with different tax systems | |
Davidiuk T.V. | Management accounting organization: basic steps towards increasing the company efficiensy | |
Yemelyanova T.V., Tubaltseva S.A. | Competence estimation as a crucial component of enterprise management system | |
Yepifanova I.M. | The bankruptcy of enterprises: the spectrum of unsolved problems | |
Zhuran O.A., Glava M.G. | IT-Cluster – modern component of regional economy development | |
Ivaschenko A.G., Beltyukov Ye.A. | Crediting problems of the enterprises of small and medium business by Ukrainian banks | |
Kovtunenko Yu.V., Valyanskaya A.A., Miroshnykova K.A. | Economic analysis and its importance in the management of the enterprise | |
Oliinyk Т.V. | Criteria and directions for improvement of yield management in enterprises | |
Popovenko N.S., Prydius A.V. | Theoretical motivation for further investigations of small and medium enterprises in Ukraine | |
Selivanova N.M., Skitsan M.A. | Organizational and methodical aspects of receivables accounting | |
Telepneva O.S. | The antropotechnical systems competitiveness management on the example of car sport | |
Kharichkov S.K., Panchenko M.O. | Research the features of business risk-management in crisis terms | |
Tsymbalyuk H.S. | Key aspects of the quality management system on the production stages | |
Chukurna O.P. | Brand positioning strategy on the basis of the quality of perception: different markets B2B and B2C | |
Kostin Yu.D., Murzabulatova O.V. | Improvement of organizational-economic providing of the state – corporate partnership in the control system of SCE | |
Makarenko T.Yu. | Value Reporting as a factor of corporate market value creation | |
Yatsenko M.S., Goncharova I.O. | Actuale problems of improving the quality of providing crewing services | |
Kostiuk-Pukaliak O.M. | Influence of factors on the cash flows of enterprises in light of the European integration processes in Ukraine | |
Zabarna E.M. | Review of the monograph “Stabilization of the financial and economic system of Ukraine: a new model of prospects for development” |